Pukka Tea – Cleanse


Cleanse tea is a radiant blend of organic nettle, fennel and peppermint. It starts with a cup of herbal goodness, fresh with nature’s green riches: FairWild nettle leaf, dandelion root and fennel seed, cooled with peppermint and aloe vera. It ends with a glow that flows into the sparkle of your eyes and the beauty of your skin.

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Product Details


Naturally caffeine-free and ethically sourced, 100% organically grown ingredients: Nettle leaf (40%), peppermint leaf (25%), sweet fennel seed (25%), dandelion root, licorice root, aloe vera inner leaf. 
45% FairWildTM certified ingredients (nettle, licorice) by dried weight.Visit www.fairwild.org
69.5% fair trade ingredients certified by IMO according to the Fair for Life Programme – nettle, sweet fennel, licorice.


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